+356 2124 3123 info@rapcogroup.com


Give the knowledge to your employees

Training malta, RAPCO Ltd. malta

Session (1) – Basics of Polymer Technology

In this seminar we will go through the various classification of polymers (thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, etc..), what makes up a granule, colourants & masterbatches, material drying, shrinkage, warpage, handling of regrind, etc...

This is a generic session and would be applicable to a wide spectrum of personnel including : Moulding Technicians, newcurrent R&D/Design Engineers, Supply Chain Dept. people, QA people, etc....  

Duration : 3 hours


Session (2) – Good Part Design Practice

This session is primarily targeted towards part design engineers. However over the years tool designers have become interested in this training session too, as it gives them a wider knowledge of how part design could also influence the tool design and vice-versa.  New current design engineers, Moulding Technicians, and QA people , could benefit from attending .

Duration : 3 hours


Session (3) - Tool Design : DO's and DO NOT's  

This session is primarily targeted towards tool & component designers. However experience has shown us that this session also interested processing technicians, as it gives them wider knowledge of which design aspects could influence their work ! New current tool designers, component designers, Processing/Moulding Technicians, could benefit from attending .  

Duration : 2-3 hours